Startups are everywhere (everywhere in India means Gurugram, Mumbai, Bengaluru etc.) They have been bursting out in India ever since those four/five businessmen suddenly became millionaires by working on their ideas. Soon they became billionaires and every broke youngster heard some version of the most inspiring story series in India. The series that has been told by parents, uncles, aunties, relatives, friends, siblings…

The story that’s kinda like this – “Their kid is working there.” or “That guy is earning …”

These stories are exactly the reason why we have so many old uncles who were in some government job, why every family has a relative in one of the western countries, why there are so many engineers or IT professionals in India and finally, and why everyone is an entrepreneur.

There are all kinds of startups in India and some things that are common in all of them. Here are some of those things:

Designations: These aren’t established companies – Some interesting people just got together and started a venture. Most of them aren’t tech startups, so they try to indulge in creativity and come up with names that have absolutely no value to your resume. A job search on LinkedIn will show you offers for positions like Digital Marketing General, Style Chef, Vision Officer, King of Content and many more weird titles.

The important thing to remember is that these titles don’t mean anything. They were created as a part of the ‘We are different from others’ movement.

If you are in a startup you will have to do all kinds of jobs (especially if you are a people pleaser like me)

I mean how does that Digital Marketing General even ask for a promotion? Just imagine the conversation with his/her boss.

“Hey Admiral! I was thinking maybe I should be considered for the role of Digital Marketing Field Marshall.”

Interviews: Yes! these interviews depend on your knowledge, the title you are applying for and your experience. Yes! All interviewers basically say the same thing once the questions are done. Here are some popular quotes:

  • “So, we are a startup.”
  • “We are into ____ and right now, it is a billion dollar industry that is going to become a multi-billion dollar industry in the next 10 years.”
  • “You will have to do a lot of work.”
  • “The timings are 9-5 but you might have to work for longer hours some days. You see we are a startup.”
  • “We are off on weekends but some days we may need you to work on Sundays too.”
  • “You will have to do this, that, and that, also that one thing, and you’ll be managing that too.”
  • “I am sorry, we can’t match that salary. We are just a startup right now.”
  • “Oh no, it’s not that far, you can easily travel that distance.”
  • “We are just a bunch of cool guys trying something new.”
  • “Stocks? Yeah! it’ll happen soon.”
  • “We are looking for someone with at least, 5 years of experience.”
  • “We know you have 6 years of experience, but we can’t match that salary right now. You see, we are a startup.”

They may not always be in that order. But you don’t have to worry, you won’t get the job.


But, if you do get the job (maybe you are that good!), here are some things you need to keep in mind if you want to be a good boy or girl.

Let’s start with the interviews. The first and the most important rule is don’t lie on your resume.

You will get caught and it will ruin your reputation. Just be straightforward and be honest. There are millions of startups, and if you are good at what you do, you will find a job. Now, for the actual interview:

Don’t be completely honest: “Yes! It is good to be honest, but don’t be so honest” that’s what a manager once said in one of my job interviews. If the person in front of you repeatedly keeps saying – “Don’t be so honest in an interview”, you should just stop talking.


*This is where that street smart crap comes in. Know what details you should share in the interview and what all you should hide from your future boss.

It’s not a viva: If you don’t have an answer to a particular question, just say you don’t know it. Don’t pretend that you are trying to remember the answer. I can proudly say that I never did that “Crap! I read this last night” in an interview. Although I did say that in every single viva in my college.

Don’t get excited when you hear the salary: There’s a 99% probability that your potential boss cannot pay you market value because the startup may not have the desired funds. But you don’t know that. You just start thinking, “Oh Damn! this is like 2,000 more than the previous offer.” And then you yell “Yes! I’ll take it.”

Interviewer: “When can you join?”

You: “Tomorrow.”

*Just FYI, that’s how I got my first job.

Next step, you get the job. You are an employee now. Keep these things in mind if you want your picture in the employee of the month column:

Get ready to do all kinds of jobs: It doesn’t matter if you are the queen of content or marketing squadron leader, you will be asked to do all kinds of jobs. Till they find someone for that particular position, you’ll have to manage.

It’s a paying customer: That’s the line your bosses will use when you will be asked to bend over backwards and spider-walk across the ceiling. If you are assigned a client who has been paying, you are going to have so much fun, you won’t be able to walk straight for a week.

Yes, should be your favourite word:

In a startup or any company, bosses love that one individual who loves to please everyone around him/her. The most common way of doing that is by saying yes to every – “Will you/Can you do this?” However,

Know when to say no: It’s okay to say yes when stuff is urgently needed or you feel that particular task will help the company, but don’t say yes to everyone around you. There will be a day when you are a manager and say yes to the wrong person, and end up doing the intern’s job.

*I did that once. Ended up doing that job for the next six months.

Keep asking for more work: You will be loved by every single colleague if you keep asking them for work. One day you won’t have anything to do so you go around asking people if they need help with anything. Then you help everyone. Do that and you won’t even have to ask next time. They’ll just give you more work.

*I actually enjoy helping people. It’s only bad when all of them need help at the same time.

The last step of working in a startup is leaving the startup. Because these brand new companies are volatile, there’s no certainty what may happen tomorrow. You may get fired, they may not have the money to pay you, the bosses may just decide to close shop… anything can happen.

There’s another rule to remember here. Whatever the circumstances, make sure you are on good terms with everyone in upper management. Your next job may not work out and you’ll consider going back to your old startup, which may have managed to stay afloat.

We learn so much in our school and college but no existing system teaches work ethics and that’s why so many Indian startups are failing. It’s not just the entrepreneur, the teams of employees are responsible too.

The most important rule in every startup is –

Image result for you gotta do what you gotta do meme

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